On July 16, Sr. Mary Bernadette celebrated 50 years of religious life as a nun of the Order of Preachers. Born and raised in California, she originally entered Corpus Christi Monastery in Menlo Park (just outside of San Francisco) in 1961 and made profession on March 7, 1966. After hearing the master of the Order's call for volunteers to help establish and English-speaking Dominican monastery in Canada, she headed north in 2000 and hasn't stopped radiating the love of Christ (and sharing her baking skills) since.
After a joyful Mass celebrated by Bishop Gary Gordon of Victoria and a number of local clergy, we retired for further festivities, accompanied by a light luncheon and some communal jocularity. With over 200 of sister's family and friends in attendance, an awesome time was had by all!
Waiting to process in with the Knights of Columbus. |
Jubilate Deo! |
Renewing her vows in the hands of our prioress, Sr. Marie Tersidis. |
Chocolate or vanilla, sister? |
Congratulations, Sr. Mary Bernadette, on 50 years of religious life! May God grant you many joyful years more.