Sunday, 14 February 2016

Welcome to Lent

Thought of the week, courtesy of Thomas Merton's The Sign of Jonas:

"God's will is my cell.
His love is my solitude."

In other news, here are some recent photos of around the monastery that we haven't had the chance to share yet. You might say that it's been a bit damp lately, as our snow is almost completely gone, and Pilchuk Creek is, well...let's say that our Polar Bear swim spot is now decidedly unswimmable...

Pilchuk Creek
Our gentle swimming hole is now...inadvisable.
And, from way back...we walked out of the novitiate this morning to find these funny little mushrooms encased in ice (courtesy of a hose we left on at a trickle to stop it from freezing).

May your Lent be joyful, and may your joy be from and for God!