Saturday, 22 July 2017

Our New Digs

Are you familiar with the École biblique?  Situated just outside the Old City of Jerusalem, it is the oldest biblical and archaeological centre in the Holy Land.  It is also a premier place for scholars to engage at the highest scholarly level in study of the Bible and archaeology, within the geographic and historical context of the Bible.  The École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem is especially noted for its role in the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the excavations at Qumran.  And, as a veritable institution of the Dominican Order, it is also a delectable fruit of our life and mission, thanks to the pioneering work of our patient and courageous brother, Marie-Joseph Lagrange, OP.

To learn more about the vital research and many exciting initiatives of the École biblique, both past and present, take a look at their newly enhanced website which is available in French, English, Hebrew, and Arabic.  You may be especially keen to peruse Nouvelles de Jérusalem, the bilingual French and English newsletter published three times a year, which gives an overview of work in progress in exegesis and archaeology at the École.  Click here to read the most recent issue.

Last but not least, I encourage you to check out the website of the Canadian Friends of the École biblique.  The CFEB is a non-profit, volunteer, Canadian organization that supports various projects at the École, as well as offering academic scholarships to Canadian graduate students and academics to conduct research, give lectures, or serve as visiting professors. 

                                                                   -- Sister Elizabeth Marie